Ihre Immobilienmaklerin Cäcilia Page

Cooperation partnership
solar,wind energy,battery storage/system & KfW-renovation-network

Energy costs under control – our NEW offer for you. . . OUR NETWORK!
Procuring energy at the lowest possible cost is a key factor for your existing properties.
We have concepts including a unique software and strategies developed by us,
as well as a Germany-wide network of solar technicians, heating installers and window builders
and market-leading manufacturers, with whom you can permanently reduce your energy costs!


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    A solar system is a future-proof investment and enables even higher returns than a comparable capital investment!

    These solar systems have first-class efficiency:

    The large, mostly low-shade roofs of residential complexes, industrial and commercial buildings are the ideal place for these solar systems.

    Optimally with 25 instead of 12 years full guarantee!!


    – DIRECT MARKETING As a partner, you can easily sell your solar power directly.



    UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE! With out . . .  Investment costs for solar power from your own roof


    Get cheap solar power with your company from your own roof without having to bear the investment costs for a solar system.

    In addition to the system, you will receive a replacement for your roof and, if you wish, the residual electricity from 100% renewable sources at particularly favorable conditions

    – All from a single source. Please contact me as a cooperation partner!